Guest Post: The 3 Biggest Mistakes of New Animal Rescues
The following is a guest post. This post does not necessarily reflect the views of Suzanne and David E. McClendon, Sr. or Manian Debil Productions.
The 3 Biggest Mistakes of New Animal Rescues
Failing to target or niche their rescue.
Targeting your rescue to provide a specific type of help, for selected animals, for a particular community, will help make your rescue stand apart, and gain wider support.
Failing to plan how to fund their organization.
Assuming that enough donations will come in to fund a new rescue is one of the biggest mistakes made. Planning for a diverse source of funding provides the greatest chance at success. Nonprofit groups may charge fees for some services. It’s also a good idea to let people know the actual cost of food, veterinary care and other costs, and seek sponsorships to cover specific activities.
Failing to operate their rescue like a business.
Nonprofits may not have “owners” or stockholders, but in most other respects they are, and should be managed like, a business. Just like for-profit businesses you must bring in more revenue than you spend or you won’t be around long-term. Nonprofits may obtain exemption from some taxes, like federal and state income tax, and sales tax in states, but nonprofit groups must pay employment and other taxes. Just like any business, you need operating and marketing plans, and to stay informed of all the rules and requirements to operate your animal rescue business legally.
Author Sandra Pfau Englund, an attorney, has been helping people start nonprofit organizations for more than 20 years. An attorney, Sandy founded ‘RENOSI, Inc. to simplify the process of getting, and keeping, nonprofit groups in compliance with federal and state laws.
Nonprofit Attorney and Author Sandra Pfau Englund, Esq. has provided legal counsel to nonprofit groups for over 20 years. Sandy is founder of RENOSI, Inc., a company that helps nonprofit groups manage the growing federal and state filing requirements necessary to obtain, and maintain, tax-exempt status. She is the industry thought leader on issues related to tax-exempt status and compliance, and financial and fundraising transparency. Englund began her career with a Washington, D.C-based law firm where she represented tax-exempt status, grants and expenditure responsibility, and private foundation rules and regulations. Englund is a sought-after subject matter expert and has been quoted by NBC’s TODAY show and in Forbes and The Wall Street Journal, among others. She is published and speaks throughout the country on issues relating to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations. She earned her law degree and a Master’s in Public Administration from George Washington University. She also holds a bachelor’s degree magna cum laude from Eastern Michigan University, from which she was named Outstanding Young Alumnae.
Learn everything you need to get your rescue off the ground. Sandy takes out the legalese, puts in the common sense, and provides practical pointers all along the way.
Sandra Pfau Englund, Esq. turns her 20+ years of experience working with nonprofit groups into a comprehensive, easy-to-read, guide to the profits to be made - and the pitfalls to avoid - volunteering for your school's fundraising group.
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Disclaimer: The opinions or advice listed in this blog or website should be used as a place to start only. It is not a substitute for the use of a professional. Please be sure to consult your attorney, accountant, and/or other professionals with any specific questions. There is no one right answer to any business question that will cover all circumstances.
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