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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Book Review: Project Unthinkable: A Doctor's Gamble to Save Millions of Lives by Derek Yach ISBN: 978-1-988025-30-8

I would have to say that Project Unthinkable: A Doctor's Gamble to Save Millions of Lives by Derek Yach is probably the most hope filled book I have ever read.

If everything works out the way the author Derek Yach seems to think it will, we will soon all be living in a smoke-free world.

I have to admit, if I were browsing a book store or searching through Amazon, I probably would pass this book by.  

If I had passed up on reading this book, I would have missed reading a wealth of information that I would not have received anywhere else.  

I really don’t know how the WHO works, but I know the FDA is made up of a bunch of goons that couldn’t regulate a dog fight.  I say this because they won’t allow natural foods and supplements to be sold unless they are willing to bow down and say that the only treatment for cancer is chemotherapy and radiation.

These same cancers are caused because the FDA does not do its job to protect our food supply.  Case in point, GMO isn’t as benign as it sounds. We are sent countless books to review that are written by top doctors in their fields.  These books tell us that GMO means that the chemical known as Roundup, an herbicide, is grown into our foods. And the FDA doesn’t think that it is important for us to know which of our foods are GMO?

The FDA didn’t even look at mesh implants before they were approved for implanting in humans.  

Now, Project Unthinkable tells us there is hope for us all.  The hope doesn’t come from government regulations of tobacco, but from one of the largest tobacco companies in the world.

This book is very well written and, believe it or not, it is very entertaining.  You will learn a lot about what you didn’t know you didn’t know. This is the kind of book that you will be surprised you found to be so interesting you just can’t put it down.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book.  We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

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Buy NOW from Amazon: https://amzn.to/2GrO6Mh

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