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Sunday, March 5, 2017

It is Brain Injury Awareness Month

This month is brain injury awareness month.  Few people know this, but I was in a coma once, a long time ago. It was during July of 1976.  I really don’t remember much about our actual bicentennial here in the U.S.A.

I was at North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, when I began to show the symptoms of diabetes.  I had some very incompetent doctors at Anderson Memorial Hospital, who sent me home saying that I probably just had a virus after having been diagnosed with diabetes and ketoacidosis in North Myrtle Beach.

Well, my mother found a good doctor, Dr. Butler, from Iva.  He sent me to the ICU at Anderson Memorial Hospital.  I went into a coma between his office and the ICU. 

I spent several days in a coma.  I have no idea how long.  I do know that I was aware of everything going on around me, even though I could not respond at all.

There was a young male nurse named Michael who talked to me all the time.  He seemed to know that I knew he was talking to me.

When I finally came out of the coma, I had to relearn to eat, walk, talk, etc.  It only took a few days.  I had forgotten what food tasted like.

Just last May, I had three strokes.  These left me and my family vulnerable.  This made me aware that I need to make my family aware of all the money matters, income, bills, etc.  What if they had to carry on without my help?

At How to Manage Your Monkey, I teach planning.  Having a backup plan and a written budget is a big part of the plan. 

No one plans a stroke.  No one plans a coma.  We need to have an emergency fund for these emergencies.  We also need to make sure our loved ones have knowledge of the finances and access to the accounts.

Do you have a living will?  I do.  Mine says that I am going to fight like a dog to stay alive.  I want my medical care team to do the same for me.  Don’t give up and don’t talk negatively around me.  I know that I will be able to hear you.

Do you have someone you love who is suffering with dementia?  Don’t talk around them as if they can’t understand you.  They can.  Don’t talk like they are a burden to you.  They don’t need to hear that.  Talk positive.

Nursing homes suck.  They suck even more when friends and family don’t come to see you.  I talked once with a man who had been in a terrible motorcycle accident. I said that being in a nursing home was very much like prison.

He told me that he had been in both and that the nursing home was worse.  Go and visit.  Help your loved ones deal with the ordeal.

See you Thursday on How To Manage Your Monkey

If you would like for me to pray for you, please drop me an e-mail by clicking prayer.

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