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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving !

Happy Thanksgiving from


The McClendon Family would like to wish you and your family a very safe and happy Thanksgiving.  

In times past, this day would be the day that families spent the day together and ate big meals, watched the parades, and maybe an old movie or a football game or two.

Now, big retail has hijacked this holiday.  They have taken what was once a laid back, wonderful holiday, and tried to use it to squeeze even more money out of Christmas.
Let’s take Thanksgiving and Christmas back.  

Today, stay out of all retail stores.  Don’t fall for the Black Friday Starts Early mentality. 

Spend time with your family.  If you know of a store that was open on Thanksgiving, stay out of that store from this point forward, as much as possible.

Have a great Thanksgiving and remember to say thanks to the Lord for all He has given us.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog
Help us reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers. Please watch some of our videos. If you like them, please subscribe. Also, please share our YouTube information with your friends. We thank you so much for all your help.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


As most of you are aware, bloggers, vloggers, and webmasters are required by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to make certain disclosures from time to time.  We are supposed to make our readers/viewers aware of payments we receive when viewers/readers do certain things.
Let’s be honest, since we have had to cut back on other activities, we need these online revenues more so than ever before. We will list the ways we make money and
perhaps you can help us out.  Please do not do anything you would not ordinarily do, but realize that you could help us out by doing certain things.
First of all, if you watch our videos and watch the advertisement that runs just before our video in its entirety, we receive a very small commission.  It is just like broadcast television.  Advertisers pay for the number of times their ads play.
Therefore, if you would, please watch our videos and allow the advertisements to play all the way through, that would help us out.
Please turn off any ad block you may have. We are not asking you to watch any advertisements that you would find offensive or in bad taste.  If one starts to play that you feel uncomfortable with, by all means, skip it.
We are also an Amazon.com affiliate.  This means if you click on any of the Amazon links on our blogs and then make a purchase during that session, we receive a small (4%) commission off of the sale (excludes sales tax and shipping, if any).  We are not asking you to make any purchase you would not normally make. If, however, something on our blog inspires you to make an Amazon purchase, please do so by following our links.
We are supposed to get revenue from impressions from Ad Sense on some of our blogs. 
We have seen some revenue from people who borrow our books via the Amazon Prime Lending Library as well as through Amazon Kindle Unlimited .  If you are a part of either of those two programs, whenever you read any part of our books on your Kindle or Kindle Reading App, we get a small fee. 
We would love your feedback and an honest review at Amazon, too.
So, that is how we make our money.   If you would like to help, and not spend a cent doing so, watch a video or read a book.  We thank you for your help.
Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

If you would like for me to pray for you, please drop me an e-mail by clicking prayer.

I respond to all approved comments on this blog, ideally within 24 hours.  Please check back here for a response to your comment.  Thank you!
Please be advised that all the information in this course is provided to educate, enlighten, and broaden your views in life.  The information provided is not a substitute for medical, legal, dietary, financial/accounting, or religious professionals. Always consult a professional before you act on any of the information you find in this course.  

Do you have a frugal recipe?  Please e-mail it to me.
Help us reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers. Please watch some of our videos. If you like them, please subscribe. Also, please share our YouTube information with your friends.  We thank you so much for all your help.  Disclaimer The opinions or advice listed in this blog or website should be used as a place to start only. It is not a substitute for the use of a professional. Please be sure to consult your attorney, accountant, and/or other professionals with any specific questions. There is no one right answer to any business question that will cover all circumstances.

Thursday, November 17, 2016



Have you thought about homeschooling your children?  Homeschooling isn’t for every family and, within families, it isn’t for every child either.  However, you may find that homeschooling is right for you and your family.

Your average classroom has as many as thirty students, sometimes more.  Normally speaking there is only one teacher.  The teacher is not there to educate your children in Christianity or other religion. The teacher is there to teach what is on the tests the children will be taking.

If your child does not grasp what is taught the first time it is taught, your child may miss the whole concept and be left behind.  You may find that homeschooling adds to your life recipe.

If either spouse works from home, homeschooling may be perfect for you.  The one parent can facilitate the teaching while working on their other work.

If you have any questions about homeschooling, they may be answered in the following books:
Is Homeschooling (or is it Home Schooling?) Right for You?  by Suzanne G. and David E. McClendon. 

Whether you decide to homeschool or not, remember that everything can be used as an opportunity to teach your child something. You can teach your child math and budgeting during a trip to the grocery store.  You can teach your child all sorts of things (good or bad) while driving places.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

Please be advised that all the information in this course is provided to educate, enlighten, and broaden your views in life.  The information provided is not a substitute for medical, legal, dietary, financial/accounting, or religious professionals.  Always consult a professional before you act on any of the information you find in this course.  

Do you have a frugal recipe?  Please e-mail it to me.

Help us reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers. Please watch some of our videos. If you like them, please subscribe. Also, please share our YouTube information with your friends. We thank you so much for all your help.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Family Prayer Time/ Family Night

Family Prayer Time

Families should have a daily prayer time and Bible reading.  You may find great strength in getting up half an hour earlier each morning to come together to read one chapter of the Bible, or even just a segment of a Bible chapter for the longer chapters like Psalm 119. 

There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible.  If a family reads an average of one chapter per day, they should be able to read the entire Bible in a little under three and a half years.  Imagine, if a family starts reading the Bible together when a child is first born, by the time that child is 18 years old they will have read the Bible through over five times.

You may wish to have the children share Bible stories they have heard or read or what they learned at Sunday school, AWANA Club, or other church group.

When our children were growing up, we started our family prayer with the Lord’s prayer:

“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 
Matthew 6:9-13 KJV
After that, we, David and Suzanne, would each say a prayer.  Following us, each child in birth order would say a short prayer.  As each child finished their prayer, they would say the word “Next” to let the next person know it was their turn to pray.  If a child did not have something on their mind to pray about, they would just say the word “next” and the next person in line would pray.

After the youngest child finished her prayer, she would start praying  the Prayer of Jabez.

“Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!"
1 Chronicles 4:10 New King James Version

Families need this time together.  We chose to have the family Bible and prayer time each night before we went to bed.  You may wish to do that or you could choose to have it every morning.

If you miss a day, don’t knock yourself out.  Just resolve to do better the next day.  You will miss some days.  Don’t let a one day miss get you out of the habit.  This time with God is important.

Family Night

While we talk about family time with God, we should also talk about family time overall. Let us throw out the concept of setting aside one night a week as family night.  Some people refer to this as “Family Home Evening”.

The family should set aside one evening each week when the whole family can be together.  It should be a certain night that is set aside each week when only the most drastic of circumstances would interfere. 

If there is one night a week when no one has ball practice, music or dance lessons, or church groups to attend, then that would be the night to choose.

Family Night is a great time for families to grow together.  There need be no formal arrangement for how a family home evening should go.  You could have a snack together as a family.  Have a word of prayer to open the evening. Then, maybe pop some popcorn together or bake some brownies together. 

What about making a churn of homemade ice cream together? Don’t know how? There has to be a YouTube video about making homemade ice cream. 

Families can watch a favorite movie together or sing songs together.  Take some time to discuss what is on your kids’ minds and really listen. 
Families can play a board game together or work on a craft together.   The key is to get the family together doing something that all enjoy. 
Family Night is a good time to have a family meeting or discussion during part of the time, but never the whole time.
There will be times when your kids have friends at the house during the time for family home evening.  That is okay, include them, too.
Remember: During Family Night, all cell phones are off and out of sight.  No one, including adults is checking email or social media.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

Watch this on YouTube

Please be advised that all the information in this course is provided to educate, enlighten, and broaden your views in life.  The information provided is not a substitute for medical, legal, dietary, financial/accounting, or religious professionals.  Always consult a professional before you act on any of the information you find in this course.  

Do you have a frugal recipe?  Please e-mail it to me.

Help us reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers. Please watch some of our videos. If you like them, please subscribe. Also, please share our YouTube information with your friends. We thank you so much for all your help.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Prayer Life and Bible Study

Prayer Life and Bible Study

Our course starts out with a prayer and because prayer is so important to finding the right life recipe, that is where we begin the course itself.

Often during crisis, we turn to God in prayer.  Very often, we will have to dust off our Bible before we can read it in the rare times we turn to our Bible.  One of the biggest parts of a life recipe is to have an active prayer life, including daily Bible reading and devotion.

Individual Prayer

Individuals should each take time throughout the day to pray.  We should also have our personal Bible reading and devotion.

This is a great time to actually dig into the Bible.  Some study Bibles will have some background information.  As an individual, one should search the scriptures, follow the footnotes, or read a good study guide, and really get into the Bible.

Couple Prayer Time

Couples should share prayer time, Bible reading, and devotion.  This is a very important part of a good life recipe.  During the Bible and prayer time, couples should discuss what they are reading and studying very much like they are in a Sunday school class.

Obtaining a Bible study lesson or daily devotional reading like Our Daily Bread or In Touch is a very good idea.  In addition, an in-depth look at your upcoming Sunday school lesson for the next Sunday may be beneficial.  Get yourself a good Bible commentary like one written by J. Vernon McGee or another author who interests you. You can also get great devotionals delivered to your email each day from Tyndale Rewards.  With Tyndale Rewards you can also earn books free. 

Review materials related to your chosen area of study and read those during your personal prayer and devotion time.  Bring these together to the couple Bible discussion.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

Please be advised that all the information in this course is provided to educate, enlighten, and broaden your views in life.  The information provided is not a substitute for medical, legal, dietary, financial/accounting, or religious professionals.  Always consult a professional before you act on any of the information you find in this course.  

Do you have a frugal recipe?  Please e-mail it to me.

Help us reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers. Please watch some of our videos. If you like them, please subscribe. Also, please share our YouTube information with your friends. We thank you so much for all your help.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Announcement:How to Manage Your Monkey Course Starts at Midnight!!


Well, folks, the day you have been waiting for will be here tomorrow.  That’s right; the first post of our How to Manage Your Monkey course will go live at midnight tonight, or 00:00 tomorrow for those of us on 24-hour time.

Just a quick little bit of housekeeping before then.  The first few posts will be introduction posts.  Those posts will each have the word “Introduction” in the title and a green background on the video thumbnails to draw your attention to the fact that it is only an introduction.

Also, from time to time, we will share an anecdote with you.  This will be a simple story that illustrates things that have happened in our lives or the lives of others.  If you are not interested in these side stories, feel free to skip them.  These will have the word “Anecdote” in the title and will also have a yellow thumbnail instead of the standard grey background. 

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

Watch the course on YouTube

Help us reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers. Please watch some of our videos. If you like them, please subscribe. Also, please share our YouTube information with your friends. We thank you so much for all your help.